About Hachiro Suzuki





1986年Applecomputerの広告は噛じられていない丸いリンゴから始まった。そしてこの商品は、神の推奨に値するとBuddha Cannonの手に手にリンゴを持って舞い降りてくる映像で話題となり、大胆な巨大な円や瀧の図で Apple Macの素晴らしさを訴えた。

EUROPALIA JAPAN のキャンペーンではポスターの中央を白地で残して、これを 日本の雰囲気と説明した。

Mercedesのポスターは空駆ける童子にMercedesのマークを転がせ、法隆寺の焼けて損われた菩薩(Buddha)の影像で I'm here と環境を告発した。
Olympic Posterは国宝の雪舟の絵を使用しNiigataのエコロジカルキャンペーン(Green One Hundred)にはやはり国宝の等伯の松林図を使用。かつて絵で宗教を表現しようとした墨絵を改めてその精神性を広告の場に引き出している。


鈴木八朗の広告の特殊性は 実は最も一般的な日本の美を追求することに外ならない。美は主義である。最もnationalなものが今や最もinternationalなものであることに彼は気づいている。

Hachiro Suzuki's advertisements often depict themes that deal with traditional legends and Japanese culture.

Even his Coca-Cola Co. ad he worked during 1960's involved motifs of sky, flowers, snow and empty spaces which eventually showed its refreshing character.

Later on, he expressed the beauty of the earth by using bold depictions used by OGATA Korin and Kanzan in FUJI XEROX's "Beautiful" campaign and successfully showed its merit as a product.

His seventeen years of involvement in the Japanese National Railways (JNR) campaign performed a style known as "Yamato Painting" which required the alternations of the background landscape and were, at that time, a leading Japanese campaign. His continuous works were like a scroll paintings which gave the viewers an on-going curiosity of the proceeding development.

In 1986, he began with an unbitten apple for the Apple Computer Company ad. He further decorated the ad by placing this apple on the hand of the Buddha-Cannon descending down to the earth from the sky introducing that this product is an recommendation by the god. This piece became very popular using the bold depiction taking the paintings of the huge circle and of the waterfall to show the elaborate greatness of the Apple Macintosh Computer.

JAL(Japan Air Lines)'s campaign for domestic flights, started off with "Let's Fly to Japan" as a slogan, and in the "EUROPALIA JAPAN" campaign he left out the center of the poster with a white background and captioned it as "Japanese atmosphere."

In his Mercedes-Benz poster, he used a heavenly boy rolling the Mercedes-Benz's trademark up above the sky. At "I'm Here" exhibition, there is the image of the burnt Buddha of Horyuji temple on his poster, and the image is saying, "I'm Here," indicting the environmental problems.

For Nagano Olympic poster, he used a painting of Sesshu, a national treasure, and for NIIGATA GREEN ONE HUNDRED ecological campaign, he used another national treasure painting of "Pine Trees" by Tohaku. Sumi painters in the past have tried to express faithful and religious themes and here he is trying to reproduce this spiritual and moral feeling through the field of advertisement.

The uniqueness of Hachiro Suzuki's advertisements is , in fact, the most general method of pursuance in the beauty of Japan. Beauty is the principle. He believes that the most 'national ' representation is now the most "international" interpretation